Status Pages for Web Services
Click on the links below to see the status of web services we use at Chisago Lakes.
Google (Drive, Gmail, Classroom, etc.)
Schoology (Learning Management System)
HMH (Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, Holt McDougal Online)
McGraw-Hill (ConnectEd, Reading Wonders)
Screencastify (Video Playback Tool)
Kahoot (Game-based Learning Platform)
Edpuzzle (Interactive Video Lessons)
IXL (Math Skills)
Quizlet (Learning Tools with Flashcards, Games, etc.)
Seesaw (Student Digital Portfolios)
BrainPOP (Animated Educational Site)
Class Dojo (Connects Teachers, Parents, and Students)
Sora (Open a World of Reading)
Noodle Tools (Student Research Platform)